首页> 中文期刊> 《南昌工程学院学报》 >红壤坡耕地不同整治方式对土壤水分物理性质的影响




The improvement of soil hydro-physical properties of red soil is helpful for the improvement of soil chemical properties and water utilization of the plants. Taking slope field as control group,this paper studies four land management types,viz. dry terrace land,tea garden plot,secondary grassland and artifi-cial grassland based on the soil hydro-physical properties in the red soil area. The results show that bulk density increases significantly with the soil depth in all kinds of management types except secondary grass-land. In 0-10cm soil layer,the order of the bulk density is artificial grassland(0. 98 g / cm3 )﹤ slope field (1. 09 g / cm3 )﹤ dry terrace land(1. 19 g / cm3 )﹤ tea garden plot(1. 22 g / cm3 )﹤ secondary grassland (1. 38 g / cm3 ). And the order of the saturated water content is secondary grassland(30. 84% )﹤ dry ter-race land(37. 54% )﹤ garden plot(41. 69% )﹤ slope field(45. 40% )﹤ artificial grassland(55. 08% )in the same layer. Soil capillary water content of secondary grassland and slope field rise with the soil depth, while others show an opposite tendency,which falls within the range of 25. 83% - 21. 61% ,4. 25% -7. 38% respectively. Non-capillary water content of artificial grassland,slope field,dry terrace land and garden plot decreases as the soil depth increases,despite the exception of secondary grassland. Non-capil-lary water content of artificial grassland(24. 02% )is higher than that of secondary grassland(3. 07% ), slope field(11. 57% ),dry terrace land(10. 80% )and garden plot(10. 33% )in 0 - 10 cm soil layer. The tendency of soil field capacity is the same with soil capillary water content,with the largest figure observed in artificial grassland(30. 82% )in 0 - 10 cm soil layer. Different land management types have signifi-cantly different effects on soil hydro-physical characteristics,and the best of them is found in artificial grassland. The study on soil hydro-physical properties of slope field under different managements will con-tribute to the improvement in the management of sloping land as well as its proper allocation and utiliza-tion.%土壤水分物理性质改善对于植物水分利用和土壤化学性质提升具有重要作用.以坡耕地为对照,旱作梯地、茶园地、次生草地和人工牧草地为研究对象,通过野外采样与室内实验相结合的方法,对土壤容重、饱和含水量、毛管含水量、非毛管含水量及田间持水量情况进行了研究,探讨坡耕地不同整治方式对土壤水分物理性质的影响.结果表明,各整治方式下随着土层深度的增加,土壤容重均显著增大,而次生草地显著下降,0~10 cm 土层土壤容重依次是人工牧草地(0.98 g/ cm3)﹤坡耕地(1.09 g/ cm3)﹤旱作梯地(1.19 g/ cm3)﹤茶园地(1.22 g/ cm3)﹤次生草地(1.38 g/ cm3);0~10 cm 土层土壤饱和含水量大小顺序为次生草地(30.84%)﹤旱作梯地(37.54%)﹤茶园地(41.69%)﹤坡耕地(45.40%)﹤人工牧草地(55.08%);次生草地和坡耕地的土壤毛管含水量均随着土层增加而增加,人工牧草地、旱作梯田和茶园地则随土层深度增加而减少,表层土壤中,毛管含水量差异较小,其值分别在25.83%~21.61%、4.25%~7.38%之间波动,相互之间大体不显著;人工牧草地、坡耕地、旱作梯田和茶园非毛管含水量随土层增加而减少,次生草地则增加,0~10 cm 土层中人工牧草地土壤非毛管含水量为24.02%,明显高于次生草地(3.07%)、坡耕地(11.57%)、旱作梯田(10.80%)和茶园地(10.33%);不同整治方式土壤田间持水量变化趋势与土壤毛管含水量相同,其中0~10 cm 土层以人工牧草地田间持水量最大,为30.82%.不同整治方式对土壤水分物理性质影响有显著差异性,人工牧草地土壤水分物理结构最好,因此,对红壤坡耕地不同整治方式土壤水分物理性质的研究,有利于探索坡耕地整治技术,以及如何对土地进行合理配置与利用.



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