首页> 中文期刊> 《南昌航空大学学报(社会科学版)》 >无边界职业生涯视阈下大学生就业能力模型构建




Boundless career and graduates'employability have been heated research hot-spots in current academic circles, different from conventional career and the employability under the old-fashioned horizon. The boundless career not only gives rise to the new changes of employability levels, but reforms of the standard towards career success. Setting in the boundless career, changes also occur in ability structure of both graduates and conventional career. It is of utmost guiding significance to explore favorable model building of boundless career planning for graduates, to promote the cultivation of colleges' boundless career ability, and for the graduates to adapt themselves to the current developing steps of China's market economy.%无边界职业生涯和大学生的就业能力是当前学术界研究的热点之一,无边界职业生涯视阈下的就业能力不同于传统的职业生涯及其视野下的就业能力。在带来新的就业能力层次改变的同时,也给职业成功的标准带来新的变化。在无边界职业生涯背景下,大学生能力结构与传统职业生涯的能力结构也发生着改变。探索适合中国大学生无边界职业生涯规划能力模型构建,对于提高高校有关无边界职业生涯的能力培养,更好地让现代大学生适应现阶段中国市场经济的步伐,显然具有重要的现实指导意义。



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