首页> 中文期刊> 《现代泌尿外科杂志》 >A型肉毒素在泌尿外科临床应用的现状




A型肉毒素即A型肉毒杆菌毒素(botulinum toxin A,BTX-A)是厌氧梭状芽孢杆菌产生的一种强力的神经毒素.BTX-A在泌尿外科临床多用于治疗逼尿肌反射亢进伴急迫性尿失禁、膀胱过度活动症、逼尿肌外括约肌协同失调等;也可使膀胱容量增加,用于间质性膀胱炎的治疗,可改善尿频、尿痛、尿急等症状,疗效较好;实验证明BTX-A可使前列腺体积缩小、平滑肌收缩力下降,对BPH起治疗作用.目前临床常用的BTX-A制剂有美国的Botox和德国产的Dysport,国内多采用兰州产的A型肉毒素制品,疗效好且价廉.本文简要介绍BTX-A在泌尿外科临床应用情况;包括适应症、用药剂量、方法和疗程等方面.%Botulinum toxin type A (BTX-A) is a potent neurotoxin anaerobic clostridium.It has been widely used in urological treatment:for detrusor hyperreflexia with urge incontinence,overactive bladder,and dyssynergia of detrusor external sphincter.It can increase bladder capacity and be applied to treat interstitial cystitis,improving urinary frequency,dysuria,urgency and other symptoms.Some experiments have shown that BTX-A may decrease the volume of prostate and the contractility of smooth muscle,thus to help in the treatment of BPH.In clinical practice,Botox exported from the United States,Dysport exported from Germany,and a domestic one produced in Lanzhou are commonly used.In this article,we briefly describe the clinical application in urology of of BTX-A,including indications,does and treatment.



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