首页> 中文期刊>微生物与感染 >手足口病的流行现状及挑战




手足口病是由肠道病毒所致的全球性传染病.自20世纪90年代后期由肠病道毒所致的手足口病在亚太地区频繁暴发流行,其严重的神经系统并发症以及神经源性肺水肿致患者残疾和死亡.我国自2008年起每年发生全国范围的手足口病暴发流行,其中肠道病毒71型(EV71)是引起暴发而致死亡的主要病原体.目前手足口病已成为我国各类传染病中发病数最高的丙类传染病,给公共卫生带来严峻挑战.虽然绝大多数手足口病为自限性疾病,但约0.05%的患儿病情变化迅速并死亡,目前尚缺乏有效的抗病毒药物和疫苗来防治.因此,早期识别危重病例、早期进行合理临床管理和诊疗干预·以及采取及时有效的防控措施是降低手足口病所致危害的最主要策略.我国已在积极研发EV71疫苗,这将给手足口病流行暴发及其重症疾病的预防带来希望,并有望有效降低社会经济负担.%Hand, foot and mouth disease is a global infectious disease caused by human enteroviruses. Since late 1990s, outbreaks of enterovirus 71 (EV71)-associated hand, foot and mouth disease have been reported frequently throughout Asia and severe neurological central nerve system involvement and neurogenic pulmonary edema lead to long-term sequela and fatality. Annual national outbreaks of hand, foot and mouth disease have occurred since 2008 and EV71 is the major causative agent for the outbreaks and associated death. Currently, hand, foot and mouth disease is a national priority disease and becomes a growing public health concern in China. It is usually a benign self-limited disease, however, 0. 05% of sick children succumb to severe complications such as brain stem encephalitis and cardiopulmonary collapse based on national data. To date, no effective antiviral drugs and vaccines are available for treatment and prevention of this disease. Early diagnosis and recognition of severe complications, timely clinical intervention for severe cases at an earlier stage, and implementation of public health measures are the current mainstay of reducing the impact of outbreaks and associated mortalities. EV71 vaccine under development in China is a promising strategy to prevent EV71 epidemics and severe diseases and reduce its socioeconomic impact.



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