首页> 中文期刊> 《医学影像学杂志》 >128层螺旋CT血管造影对腹腔巨大肿块的定性诊断价值探讨




Objective To evaluate clincal value of CT angiography (CTA) in qualitation of abdominal large cm) by 128-slice spiral CT. Methods Mutiphase enhancing scanning was performed in 61 cases with abdominal large mass who previously had been received ultrasound or CT plain scan. 1. 0 mm collimation thickness and 1. 0 mm interval were chosen in portal venous phase. The raw data were first reformated to bring out axial souce images (ASI) with 0. 625 mm collimation thickness and 0. 625 mm reconstruction interval. The ASI image data of arterial phase were conveyed to workstation and dealt with MIP and VRT. Result 54 cases were performed with CTA, the achievement ratio was 88. 5%. 92 feeding arteries were displayed in 35 cases of malignant tumor, in which 30 cases had more feeding arteries. 21 feeding arteries were displayed in 19 cases of malignant tumor, in which 2 cases had two feeding arteries . In amount of feeding arter-y, there was significant difference between benign and malignant tumor (x2 =9. 71, P <0. 005). The malignant tumor had more feeding arteries, there was significant difference between benign and malignant tumor (x2 =9. 12, P <0. 005). Conclusion The malignant tumors universally have more feeding arteries. CTA will be a newly emerging examination proxi-mally, which can display the origin, morphous and amount of the feeding artery clearly, and assess the bionomics of mass. CTA is able to demonstrate therapy for clinc.%目的 探讨128层螺旋CT血管造影(CTA)对腹腔巨大肿块(≥5cm)的定性诊断价值.方法 61例经B超或CT平扫发现的腹部巨大实性肿块行多期CT增强扫描检查.扫描层厚1.0mm、间距1.0mm.原始资料经0.625mm层厚、0.625mm间距重建,获得轴面源图像(ASI),数据传输至工作站.选取动脉期扫描数据行肿瘤供血动脉MIP、VRT重建.结果 CTA血管造影54例,成功率为88.5%.显示肿瘤供血动脉113支:单支动脉供血22例,多支动脉供血32例.35例癌性肿块显示肿瘤血管92支,其中多支动脉供血30例;非癌性肿瘤19例,肿瘤显示21支供血动脉,多支动脉供血2例.在肿瘤供血动脉的数量上,癌性肿瘤与非癌性肿瘤间存在显著差异性(x2=9.71,P<0.005).癌性肿瘤普遍存在多支动脉供血情况,与非癌性肿瘤间有显著统计学意义(x2=9.12,P<0.005).结论 腹部巨大恶性肿瘤普遍存在多支供血动脉.CTA可以清楚地显示肿瘤的供血动脉来源、形态及数目,判定肿块的良、恶性,从而为肿块的进一步治疗指明方向.



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