首页> 中文期刊>洛阳师范学院学报 >论嵇康儒道融合的人格之美




嵇康的人格堪称中国五千年文化所能孕育出的最美人格之一,无数后人对于嵇康的人格景仰不已,赞颂有加。嵇康的人格之所以具有无与伦比的美,最根本的原因就在于其既是儒道两家理想人格的融合,同时又超越了两家现实人格的不足。主张“越名教而任自然”的嵇康并未在学术理论上为儒道融合或互补做出任何贡献,但其人格实践却为儒道人格中各自最美的方面做了最充分的诠释。%As one of the Seven Sages of the bamboo grove , Ji Kang had the most beautiful personality bred by the five thousand years of Chinese culture , which was admired and praised by numerous descendant .The essential reason why Ji Kang ’ s personality had incomparable beauty is that he combined the ideal personality of Confucian and Taoist , and avoided their defects of reality .Ji Kang advocated “getting over the Confucian ethical code but fol-lowing the nature”, and he had not make any contribution in academic theory for the integration of Confucianism and Taoism , but his personality practice indeed fused Confucianism and Taoism , and did the best interpretation for the most beautiful aspects of Confucianism ’ s and Taoism ’ s personality .



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