


我国原有的无功自动补偿装置均采用高压真空断路器或高压真空接触器投切三相电容器组方式,投切瞬间过电压和涌流问题严重,并造成网络谐波,直接影响电网的电能质量,威胁供电设备安全和补偿装置使用寿命。调压式电网节电装置采用自耦变压器,改变电容器或电抗器端部输出电压,从而改变功率输出容量来调节系统电力功率因数,达到了稳定电网系统电压、提高用电设备有功出力、降低系统网路损耗、电网节电的目的。%  In our country, there originally exist original reactive automatic compensation device with high voltage vacuum circuit breaker or a high-voltage vacuum contactor to switch three-phase capacitor group mode, switching transient overvoltage and inrush current problems were serious, which caused network harmonic, and directly impacted the quality of electric energy, threatening power supply equipment safety and compensation device's service life. Pressure adjustable grid power-saving device adopts an autotransformer to change the capacitor or reactor end output voltage, thereby changing the power output capacity to regulate the system power factor. The stable voltage and current is reached, which improves power factor, reduces grid line loss and reaches electricity-saving purpose.



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