


嘉靖八年内阁之争是继“大礼议”后明统治集团内部又一次政治动荡,包括“张璁桂萼党案”与“杨一清纳贿案”两个发展阶段。经一番曲折,大学士张璁、桂萼先败后胜,而首辅杨一清以“纳贿罪”被迫致仕,其余被牵扯其中并遭到打击的大小官员亦数十人。其胜负关键除传统史家强调之霍韬对杨一清的两次弹劾外,还包括“议礼新贵”另一健将---吏部尚书方献夫的密疏攻击。杨一清“纳贿罪”成立与否还尚难定论,而决定嘉靖八年内阁之争结果的并非“贿与不贿”,而是在于“党与不党”。导致其罢职的根本原因是明世宗对“结党擅权”的疑虑,所谓“纳贿罪”实为世宗“权力平衡”的政治借口。%There was a struggle in the Cabinet in 8th year of Emperor Jiajing’s reign ,which was another po-litical movement in the ruling group of the Ming Dynasty after Dali .The event was composed of two pha-ses:the case of the Clique of Zhang Cong -Gui E and others ,the Bribery of Yang Yiqing .After some twists and turns ,the grand secretary Zang Cong and Gui E snatch a victory out of defeat ,and the first aux-iliary Yang Yiqing forced to retire as crime of acceptance of bribes .There were dozens of officials hit in this struggle .The key to the victory of this political struggle was not only caused by the two charges to Yang by Huo Tao ,as the tradition believed ,but also the secret charges of Fang Xianfu ,who was another figure of the Upstart officers through “Dali” and also the Minister of Personnel .It is still undetermined that the bribery charges of Yang is established or not .But the key result was not bribery ,but the clique . Therefore ,the real reason of Yang’s deposal was that Emperor Shi Zong was doubtful of the Clique .In fact ,the so called“bribery” was only an excuse to make politics balance .



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