首页> 中文期刊>辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版) >新媒体语境下的马克思主义大众化传播策略




T he fast development of the new media brings new opportunity and challenge for the dissemina‐tion of Marxist popularization .To push forward Marxist popularization under new media ,we need to set up new dissemination principles including equal dialogue ,recessive education and live education ;we should optimize the dissemination language of Marxist theories ,paying attention to scientificity ,popularity ,per‐tinence and vitality ,and we can optimize the dissemination process of new media by making use of the pop‐ularity of new media to excavate ethos joint ,utilizing the reciprocity of new media to spread Marxist theo‐ries and making people stick to the ideal conviction of Marxism through assimilation .We must innovate spread method ,persist the dissemination method of vertical linkage ,feelings and reason at the same time with public opinion guidance .%新媒体的迅猛发展为马克思主义大众化传播带来了新的机遇和挑战。新媒体语境下推进当代中国马克思主义大众化,需要树立平等对话、隐性教育、生活教育的全新传播理念;优化马克思主义理论传播语言,注重科学性,力求通俗性,具有针对性,彰显生动性;优化新媒体传播过程,利用新媒体传播的大众性,挖掘民族精神的契合点,利用新媒体传播的交互性,扩散马克思主义理论,通过潜移默化的熏陶,使人民群众坚守马克思主义理想信念;创新传播方法,坚持上下联动、情理并举、舆论引导的传播方法。



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