首页> 中文期刊>乐山师范学院学报 >民族社区居民关于旅游活动对乡土特征影响感知的实证研究--以四川丹巴县甲居藏寨为例




Adopting the method of community research of micro-sociology and using the“earthbound characteristics” which reflects Chinese rural social structure and cultural patterns as conceptual tools, this paper takes Jiaju Tibetan Village in Danba County as an example and has done an empirical study of the im-pact of tourist activity on the earthbound characteristic of a rural ethnic community. The research demon-strates that the impact of tourist activity on blood lineage and genetic relationship———which has been seen as the kernel of“Chaxue Geju”———is small, the primary characteristics of rural social structure remain intact;tourism development strengthens the concept of“private/self” meaning that local residents pay more attention to the private interests, and the collective consciousness about protection of public resources is weakened;traditional values and utility values coexist together to guide the residents’ behavior; tourism development enhances community residents’ desire to adjust and improve some traditional social conventions, and thus the binding force of traditional custom and ethics is weakened.%文章采用微观社会学的社区研究方法,以反映我国乡土社会结构和文化模式特点的乡土特征为概念工具,选取丹巴县甲居藏寨为案例区域,实证研究旅游活动对民族社区乡土特征的影响。研究表明:作为民族社区结构内核的血缘关系和亲缘关系受到旅游活动的冲击较小,乡村社会结构特征的基本面依然存在,社会结构并未完全裂变;旅游发展强化了“私、己”观念,居民更关注私己利益,削弱了保护“公共资源”的集体意识;传统价值观和功利价值观新旧并存,共同指导着居民的行为;旅游发展促使社区居民根据自我意愿对某些传统礼治秩序进行调整和改良,传统礼俗和伦理的约束力降低。



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