


Su Shi applied for being the chief of Mizhou for the purpose of getting closer to his younger brother Su Zhe. Their exchanges of poems and letters during the time in Mizhou were not only the indication of Su Shi's care for Su Zhe's career and the people of Mizhou, but the sign of Su Zhe's concern and respect for Su Shi, of his focus on cultural undertakings in Mizhou such as the construction of Chaoran Tower and Kuaizai Pavilion and of his yearning to meet his brother and to live a recluse life in hometown. All this implies a close relation between Su Zhe and Mizhou.%以接近胞弟苏辙之名, 苏轼来知密州.在密州, 苏轼与苏辙诗词唱和、书信来往等, 既体现出了苏轼对苏辙政治前途的关心、对密州百姓与民生的关心与爱护, 也体现出了苏辙对哥哥苏轼的关心与尊敬, 对密州超然台与快哉亭等文化事业的关注、对归隐家乡的向往以及兄弟间的思念之情等.所有这些, 都可以看出苏辙与密州也有着密切的关系.



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