首页> 中文期刊>廊坊师范学院学报(社会科学版) >齐鲁文化创意产业发展和品牌打造刍论




Qilu brand construction of regional culture development and cultural resource protection should conform to the trend of cultural and creative industry.We should change the traditional cultural industries that rely solely on physical,geographical and scenic spots as well as living resources.We must establish digitalized cultural creative industry with focus on spiritual resource development,cultural creativity,and high-technology.Ill talent structure,deep-rooted traditional culture,and government-oriented cultural industry constrain the development of Shandong's cultural creative industry.Shandong's cultural creative industry should firstly get rid of the cultural bottleneck in development.Then,it is feasible to make full use of the Internet technology and further develop regionally cultural resources and creative industries,such as Mount Tai culture,Yimeng culture,Confucian culture,Penglai culture,Weifang flying-kite culture,Qi capital culture of Zibo,Liaozhai culture,etc.We should carry out a multi-dimensional development model led by digitally cultural and creative industry to bring creative industry to in-depth development.%当代齐鲁地域文化资源保护开发和文化品牌建设应积极顺应文化创意产业发展的大潮流,实现从单纯依赖物质、地理、名胜、生物资源的传统文化产业模式向偏重精神资源开发、文化创意、高科技的数字化文化创意产业模式转变。目前,不合理的人才结构、根深蒂固的传统文化观念、政府主导型的文化产业发展模式等因素正制约着山东文化创意产业的发展。所以,山东文化创意产业的发展必须首先解决文化自身的瓶颈问题,而充分利用网络传媒技术加大地域文化资源创意产业开发不仅是必要的,也是可行的。



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