首页> 中文期刊> 《廊坊师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 >魏应麒《中国史学史》的编撰特点




魏应麒是中国近现代历史上知名的史学家,他撰写的《中国史学史》是中国第一部正式出版的中国史学史专著,在中国史学发展史上具有较高的地位。魏著《中国史学史》,在编撰上,注重对中国史学整体发展特征的总结;在章节设置上,注重揭示不同时期中国史学存在的内在联系;在体例安排上,采用"以类相从"的编撰方式。作为20世纪40年代出版的中国史学史专著之一,对其编撰过程与编撰特点的系统考察,有助于进一步认识中国史学史早期的编撰情况。%Wei Ying-qi is one of the renowned historians of contemporary China. He compiled History of Chinese Histodography, which is a published monograph of the history of Chinese historiography and occupies a higher position in the development of Chinese historiography. In compilation, Wei's History of Chinese Histodography stresses conclusion of the integrated characteristics of the de- velopment of Chinese historiography. In structure, it emphasizes the internal connections between different periods of Chinese historiography. In format, it employs analogical ways of compilation. As it is one of the important monographs of history of Chinese historiography published during the 1940s, investigation into the compilation process and characteristics of the book helps to further recognize the early situation of history of Chinese historiography.



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