首页> 中文期刊>喀什师范学院学报 >西方哲学研究“言必称希腊”的宗教情结与神学语义




西方哲学同源于古希腊哲学,这种同源性成就了西方哲学思维特质的薪火相传与一脉相承,无怪乎后来历代哲人每每而情不自禁地要“言必称希腊”。之所以会产生这种素朴的“家园意识”,除古希腊哲学体现了当时思想的最高水平与最高成就外,更重要是还在于它提出并论证的世界观的神学语义,为此后西方哲学的发展确立了基本信念与发展路向,以至于作为文化轴心能为一切知识体系奠基。即使是它所暴露出来的各种困惑也成为一个永恒无解的哲学难题,紧紧吸引着历代哲人不断变换思路与方式对之进行无穷无尽的诉求与追问。在西方哲学陷入危机而功亏一篑的关键之时,也正是西方哲人借助上帝之名而“言必称希腊”之日。藉于此,也凸显了古希腊哲学中的那种充满了荒谬怪诞的宗教情结与无可奈何的悲凉意味。%Originated from the ancient Greek philosophy, western philosophy the homologous achievement of western philosophy, along the lines of the characteristics of new generation of thinking and it is no wonder that later generations of philosophers often and can't help to Greece"will be called". Are the"homeland"consciousness, in addition to the ancient Greek philosophy is the highest form of expression of the idea and theory achievement, more important is also is its world view is put forward and demonstrate the theology of semantics, since the development of western philosophy has established the basic belief and direction for development, as a cultural axis system lays a foundation for philosophy. Even it exposed by the various confusion has also become an eternal philosophical problem without solution, tightly attracted all previous dynasties philosopher changing ideas and ways to endless demands and questions. In a crisis in the western philosophy and the key to fall short, it is also the western philosophers often with the help of Greece"will be called"in the name of god. Through here, also highlights the full of absurdity in the ancient Greek philosophy weird religious complex and helpless sad.



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