首页> 中文期刊> 《吉林建筑工程学院学报》 >钢纤维泡沫混凝土复合楼板试验研究




A kind of composite slab which was made of the steel fiber concrete,foam concrete and the commoncon-crete is proposed to form the three multi-ribbed composite full scale one way precast floor slabs,which were com-prised by the same steel amount but different proportion between rebar and steel fiber.Through the bend test of the three pieces with the same static load,many technical datum were obtained,such as cracking load,yield load,ulti-mate load,maximum displacement,failure mode,and steel bar stress and so on.By comparing the test results,the mechanics performances of the three test specimens with distrinct proportioning ratio of steel bar and steel fiber had prodigious influence.The composed slab contained meanwhile the steel bar had the best ductility and other mechan-ical property.Even though the steel bar content less than the minimum steel ratio,this test slab still possess excel-lent ductility and no brittle damage occurs.The test data was verified by ABQUSE,stress tendency and fracture mor-phology are in good agreement.%本文将钢纤维混凝土、泡沫混凝土和普通混凝土复合,在同等用钢量前提下,通过调整钢纤维和线型钢筋分配比例,制造出3块足尺寸密肋复合单向预制楼板.通过对试验板在静荷载作用下的受弯试验,得到开裂荷载、屈服荷载、极限荷载、最大挠度、破坏形态、钢筋应力等参数.经对比发现,不同的钢筋和钢纤维的配比比例,对试验板受力性能影响很大.试验结果表明,同时配有纵向受力钢筋和钢纤维体积率为Vf=1.5%的复合楼板受力性能和延性都最好,且在线型钢筋配筋率小于最小配筋率时,仍具有很好的延性,不发生脆性破坏.



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