首页> 中文期刊>江苏科技大学学报(社会科学版) >基于SEM-PLS的江苏造船业核心竞争力实证研究




By analyzing the merits and disadvantages of the evaluation and empirical methods of the ex- isting shipbuilding core competitiveness, based on the diamond model and causality assessment para- digm, introducing the structural equation model, using partial least square method and based on the present status of Jiangsu shipbuilding industry, we divide the core competitiveness of Jiangsu ship- building industry into two parts: potential core competitiveness and shown core competitiveness. Po- tential core competitiveness consists of five factors, two of which are the production factors and the in- ternal industry conditions that have more obvious competitive advantages, while the other three fac- tors: related supporting industries, demand conditions and government policies and opportunities, are the keys to promoting the core competitiveness of Jiangsu shipbuilding industry. Shown core competi- tiveness is shown as the market share. Finally, strategies to enhance the core competitiveness of Jian- gsu shipbuilding industry are proposed.%在综合现有造船业核心竞争力评价与实证方法优缺点的基础上,基于钻石模型及因果范式,采用结构方程模型和偏最小二乘算法,结合江苏造船业的发展现状,将江苏造船业核心竞争力分为潜在核心竞争力及显示核心竞争力。潜在核心竞争力由5个指标构成,实证表明生产要素条件及产业内部条件具有明显的竞争优势,相关支持性产业、需求状况及政府政策与机遇是江苏造船业核心竞争力进一步提升的关键所在;显示核心竞争力表现为江苏造船业的市场占有能力。提升江苏造船业核心竞争力的策略为强化政策支持,完善支持产业,做强海工市场,合理规划布局和鼓励科技创新。



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