首页> 中文期刊>江苏科技大学学报(社会科学版) >明代以前《诗经》之群经版本序跋研究




明代以前的群经著述之序跋中有颇多论及《诗经》的内容,这不但展现了一个时期经学著述之序跋创作范式,而且为当时诗经学之于经学关系提供了一个剖面。群经著述之作者和群经著述序跋之作者往往创作有《诗经》著述序跋,其诗经学观点与其他经学理论在序跋作品中有相互呼应和补充。群经序跋的创作是学者们经学观点交流和论辩的方式。通过群经著述序跋与《诗经》著述序跋的交叉对比研究,可以更深入分析学者们学术交流的方式和研究重心的转变。对诗经学及其相关著述序跋研究,可以为梳理诗经学研究成果、补充完善诗经学史提供新视角。%Before the Ming Dynasty,Confucian classics’prefaces and postscripts often mentioned Book of Songs.This not only demonstrates a creative way of writing prefaces and postscripts of the classics, but also reveals the relationship between Confucian classics and Bookof Songs.Both the authors often write prefaces and postscripts of Bookof Songs.Their academic points of view could supplement each other.The creation of Confucian classics′prefaces and postscripts was the way scholars communicate and debate.By cross-comparison studies we can analyze the way scholars have academic exchanges and changes of the research focus.The study of prefaces and postscripts of Bookof Songs and related works provides a new perspective to analyze the research results and to complement the history of Bookof Songs.



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