首页> 中文期刊> 《佳木斯教育学院学报》 >高职高专院校贫困大学生思想道德状况现状与对策




In recent years, continued expansion of college enrollment and effective loan policy for more of the poor college students to enter colleges and universities to learn;but the market of university tuition and the low social recognition of the higher occupation education, the problems of the impoverished students are more prominent, has become the focus of the development of higher education and the hot spots of social concern. The higher vocational colleges poor students as more special group, new characteristics and new issues appear in their ideological and psychological aspect, causes the high attention of each respect, become the new subject in the new era of ideological and political education workers in colleges and universities is considered and we must study.%近年来,高校招生规模持续扩大和有效的贷款助学政策为更多的贫困大学生提供了进入高校学习的机会;但另一方面高校收费制度的市场化与高等职业教育较低的社会认同度,使原本存在的贫困大学生问题更加突出,成为高等教育事业发展中的焦点和社会关注的热点。高职高专院校中的贫困大学生作为贫困大学生中更加特殊的一个群体,他们在思想和心理方面出现的新特点和新问题,引起了各方面的高度重视,成为新时期我们高校思想政治教育工作者必须正视和研究的新课题。



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