首页> 中文期刊>内蒙古师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >儒家思想是涵养社会主义核心价值观的思想源泉




儒家思想是中华民族几千年发展历程中最为重要的一部分,在中国的思想史上具有举足轻重的作用.人本思想作为儒家思想的主要内容之一,从道德、价值追求、社会秩序等方面,对践行社会主义核心价值观有着重要的影响.我们要站在新时代的高度以发展的视野对其进行深入审视,在践行社会主义核心价值观的实践中,在儒家思想基础上结合时代特征,创新思想内涵,充分发挥儒家人本思想在践行社会主义核心价值观中的作用.%The Confucianism thought is the most important part during the thousands of years'development of the Chinese nation.It is one of Chinese traditional culture, playing a significant role in the history of Chinese thought, and has been rooted in the Chinese nation deeply.Humanism thought, considered as one of the main contents of the Confucianism thought, has great influences on practicing the Socialist core values from moral, values, social orders aspects etc.We should review it thoroughly by standing in the height of the era of development.During practicing the Socialist core values, we need to add epochal features and creative thoughts together as well in order to bring Humanism thought into full play.



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