首页> 中文期刊>红外与毫米波学报 >融合MODIS与Landsat数据生成高时间分辨率Landsat数据




遥感数据时空融合技术是一种低空间分辨率影像与中空间分辨率影像在时间域和空间域的融合技术,利用遥感数据时空融合技术获得的融合影像既具备低空间分辨率影像的高时间分辨率特征,又具备中空间分辨率影像的高空间分辨率特征.提出了一种新的遥感数据时空融合方法(STDFA).该方法从时序MODIS数据中提取地物的时间变化信息,结合早期Landsat-TM影像的纹理信息,融合出具有MODIS时间分辨率和TM空间分辨率的影像.以江苏省南京市江宁区为研究区,以Landsat红波段和近红外波段为融合波段,对该方法进行了测试.结果显示,该方法能够产生高精度的中空间分辨率影像,融合影像与真实影像间的相关系数达到0.939.融合影像计算的NDVI与真实中空间分辨率影像计算的NDVI间的相关性达到0.938.%Spatial and temporal fusion of remote sensing data is a technology that can generate dense time series and high spatial resolution data whose spatial resolution is similar with high spatial resolution date, and temporal resolution is the same as the one with high temporal resolution data. This paper presented a new spatial and temporal data fusion model (STDFM) for blending Landsat and MOD1S surface reflectance. Temporal change information was detected from sequence coarser resolution surface images, and new high resolution reflectance was predicted from former high resolution reflectance. This algorithm was tested in red and near-infrared MODIS and Landsat ETM + images, and over a study area in Jiangning country, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China. Results showed that STDFM was able to produce images very similar with actual observed images. The correlation coefficient r between synthetic imageries and actual observations was 0.939. The correlation coefficient r between NDVI calculated by synthetic imageries and actual observations was 0. 938.



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