首页> 中文期刊>工业技术经济 >我国纺织业空间集聚水平测度与系统效率评价研究




Textile industry is the traditional pillar industry in our country , and it gradually formed the spatial form of the industrial agglomeration which has important effects on agglomeration areas . On the basis of the original location entropy improved , and according to the concept of location entropy of economy and scale , this paper puts forward the concept of two dimensional location entropy to analyze the present agglomeration situation of textile industry for our country , 26 areas , in 2011 , 2013 , results found:the effects of two dimensional location entropy are better , the textile industry agglomeration in our country is not a complete pattern of East high , West low , and the tex-tile industry agglomeration level in Midwest is close to the Eastern areas . On the basis of DEA efficiency evaluation , this paper puts for-ward the two -phase DEA to evaluate textile industry agglomeration efficiency , it is found that the first phase agglomeration efficiency has the inverted “U” shaped relationship with the inputs , the second phase agglomeration efficiency has not the fully proportional relationship with inputs . Finally , according to the results of efficiency evaluation , this paper puts forward three suggestions :adjusting the agglomera-tion scale and scientifically developing industrial agglomeration plans , encouraging innovation and increasing investment in technology , col-laborating East's development with Midwest's .%纺织业是我国传统性支柱产业,在发展中逐渐形成了产业集聚的空间形态,产业集聚对集聚地有重要的影响。本文对区位熵进行改进,结合经济和规模区位熵的理念,提出了二维区位熵的概念,测量我国26个地区2011年、2013年纺织业集聚水平,结果发现:二维区位熵精准效果较好,我国纺织业集聚并不是完全的东高西低格局,中西部纺织业集聚水平正在逐渐向东部靠拢。基于DEA效率评价,提出了二阶段DEA对纺织业系统集聚效率进行评价,结果发现第一阶段集聚效率与投入之间存在倒“U”型关系,第二阶段集聚效率与投入之间并不是完全的正比关系。最后,根据效率评价结果提出调整集聚规模,科学制定产业集聚区规划、鼓励创新,加大技术投入、东中西部协作发展3项建议。



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