首页> 中文期刊>工业技术经济 >城镇化对生态环境的影响路径及其效应分析




〔Abstract〕 With the improvement of urbanization , the ecological environment deterioration is obvious . Natural resource has been over consumed , and the environment pollution has been aggravated . The influence of urbanization can be achieved by population agglomer-ation , economic growth , income increasing , industrial transformation , technological progress and urban expansion . The paper has ana-lyzed the influence path of urbanization on ecological environment theoretically and adopts the method of stepwise regression to analyze the influence path effect . From the results , economic growth can improve the condition of ecological environment during the process of urban-ization . The population agglomeration , income increasing , industrial transformation and urban expansion would lead to the deterioration of ecological environment . According to the results , it needs to control the transformation of rural labor to urban , narrow the income gap be-tween urban and rural area gradually , promote the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure and plan the urban layout reasonably .%随着城镇化水平的提高,生态环境恶化明显,自然资源被掠夺,环境污染加剧。城镇化对生态环境的影响可以通过人口集聚、经济增长、收入增加、产业转移、技术进步和城市扩张等几种路径实现。文章通过理论分析了城镇化对生态环境的影响路径,并采用逐步回归的方法验证影响路径的效应。其中,经济增长可以改善城镇化过程中生态环境恶化的情况,人口集聚、收入增加、产业转移和城市扩张则会导致生态环境恶化加剧。针对实证分析的结果,本文认为需要控制农村劳动力向城市的转移,逐步缩小城乡收入差距,促进产业结构的优化升级,并合理规划城市布局。



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