首页> 中文期刊> 《管理工程学报》 >基于SHAPELY修正的PPP项目利益分配模型研究




The labor socialization is a primary concern for companies operating in a rapidly growing market. A large-scale engineering project often involves complex labor socialization processes and imbalance of profit distribution among participants. Unbalanced profit distribution can cause unrest of labor socialization. It is imperative to quantify labor socialization and profit distribution and use the information as a guide for project execution. Public-private partnership (PPP) projects involve complex financing and construction structures (e. g. long construction duration, high investment, large construction scale, contract complexity and operational uncertainty ).The nature of financial and construction complexity has the potential of creating imbalance of profit distribution, thereby causing the failure of project execution. Hence, it is important to coordinate and eliminate the profit conflict between private and public sections. This paper proposes a profit allocation model to help coordinate profit allocation and maximize profits for both private and public sectors based on basic principles of project profit allocation. The proposed model includes four key factors: investment ratio,risk share coefficient, and the degree of contract completion and profit contribution.We conducted a numerical analysis to assess the correctness of the proposed model. We also compared profits of a PPP project with profits of projects delivered independently by either private or public sector.Our comparison results showed that the former project's profit is higher than the latter project's profit. These findings indicate that the proposed profit allocation model can optimize profits for both public and private sectors.It is practical to apply the proposed research model to maximize profits for participants involved in PPP projects.%PPP涉及多方利益主体,出于自身利益考虑,可能出现有损合作伙伴利益的行为,导致PPP项目实施的失败.因此,解决公私双方利益冲突,对各方利益进行分配和协调,是PPP项目成功运行的关键.鉴于公私双方利益冲突,基于项目利益分配基本原则,综合权衡利益分配四要素,建立了基于SHAPELY修正的PPP项目利益分配模型,以协调各方利益分配,使各方利益都实现最大化.数值分析实例表明,在最佳分配方案指导下,可使项目实现帕累托意义下的最优.



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