首页> 中文期刊>湖州师范学院学报 >生态德性原则与美好生活的道德基础--兼论生态伦理的德性路向




“Anthropocentrism”and “Non anthropocentrism”as two different approaches in the con-temporary research on ecology ethics advocate different theory foundation and principle,but “Centrism”embodies the obvious practical limitations.Now in the course of developing ecology ethics in order to promote the construction of ecology civilization,we attach importance to the application of normal eth-ics,but disregard this kind of ecology ethics based in virtue theory.So we conclude that we should put forward the concept and principle of ecology virtue,which can help set up the moral foundation of good life.Ecology virtue should be understood,obtained and applied in the practical relationship between hu-man being and nature.Constructing the good life founded in ecology virtue promotes us to rethink many important problems.%当代生态伦理的探讨呈现出两大对立的路向,“人类中心主义”和“非人类中心主义”,两者都有各自的立论基础和理论原则,但“中心论”具有明显的实践局限性。当前以生态伦理推进生态文明建设,侧重于规范伦理的应用,以德性理论为基础的生态伦理探索不够,为此有必要提出生态德性的概念和原则,进而明确美好生活的道德基础。生态德性只能在人与自然的实践关系中被理解、获得和运用,以生态德性为基础的美好生活需要人们作出多方面的反思。



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