首页> 中文期刊>湖南工业大学学报(社会科学版) >迷失的“大地母亲”--从原型批评视域看赫蒂的女性悲剧




对于《亚当·比德》中的赫蒂·索雷尔,主流观点将其视为虚荣自恋、放纵堕落的悲剧女性,并将其视为维多利亚女性标准的反面。然而,从原型批评理论切入,发现赫蒂的悲剧是社群的偏狭与孤立,是双重母亲抛弃下的产物:正是由于社会母亲的缺失,赫蒂转向了过度自恋和在林中阴影的释放;又由于向自然母亲寻求庇护无果,导致赫蒂最终在绝望之下,无知地在田野里犯下了弑婴的罪行,辛辣地反讽了“大地母亲”原型。赫蒂的悲剧透露出艾略特的身份焦虑和含有男权思想阴影的女性观,以及其对维多利亚时代堕落女性所面临的自我的创伤以及社会群体对其偏见和拒斥的反思。%It is the mainstream view to regard Hetty Sorrel in Adam Bede as tragic woman who embodies vanity, narcissism and degradation,and thus,represents the rebel of Victorian woman by standard.However,by deco-ding through Archetypal Criticism,it is find that Hetty’s tragedy results from the parochialism and isolation of the surrounding community,especially as discard of both social mother and natural mother:it is the absence of the so-cial mother that leads to Hetty’s excessive narcissism and release of her shadow in the woods;it is then vain effort of seeking shelter from natural mother that finally arouses desperate Hetty’s impulsive murder of her child on the field,which becomes an irony to “Mother Earth”.Through Hetty’s tragedy,it is to see George Eliot’s anxiety of gender and her view on women shadowed by patriarchy,and her reflection on the scarred identity of Victorian fall-en women upon which community showers its bias and rejection.



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