首页> 中文期刊>湖南工业大学学报(社会科学版) >论冲突法中的单方法律选择权




单方法律选择权是指某些涉外民事案件中争议一方当事人依法享有的单方选择所涉民事法律关系所适用法律的权能。此种权利自美国冲突法革命时便开始萌芽,最近几十年来被越来越多的国家立法与国际公约所吸收、采纳,其主要体现在涉外侵权、遗嘱继承、信托等领域。单方法律选择权的出现与发展丰富了法律选择方法的理论,有效地弘扬了实质正义。我国应结合自身实际在未来修法中在更多领域纳入此种法律选择方法。%The unilateral right of choice of law refers to the right,belonging to one of the parties involved in For-eign-related civil disputes,of choosing the proper law applicable to the involved civil relations unilaterally.E-merging form the time of American Revolution of conflict laws,this right,which is mainly embodied in the areas of international torts,testate succession and trust,has been incorporated and adopted by increasing national legis-lation and international conventions in the past decades.The emergence and development of the right effectively riches the theory of law selection and promotes the material justice.China should combine the actual situation and adopt such approach of legal option into law amendment in the future.



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