首页> 中文期刊>湖南大学学报(社会科学版) >道教斋醮礼仪中的养生意蕴∗




“斋”的养生意蕴浓厚而直接,要求克制欲望,遵守生活和修行禁忌,心斋、坐忘、存思等内斋,本就是通过心灵作用调节生理机能进行养生的过程;“醮”则直接或间接地折射出道教特色的养生思维。从施咒者大多祈求被咒者健康平安的出发点来看,施咒和咒语本身都具有很浓厚的养生意图。符箓是传达天神意旨的符信,可以用来召神劾鬼,降妖镇魔,治病除灾,既体现着道教养生重生思想,又有着道教医学层面的治疗意义。%“Zhai”has a strong implication of longevity preservation,which requires that the Taoism-practitioner to restraint his or her desires,and observe the taboos of Taoism and live a heathy life.Purifying the heart,sitting in oblivion and introspection are of inner fasts,which regulate physiological function through psychology effection;“Jiao”then reflects the implication of Taoism’s special way of longevity preservation directly or indirectly.Considering the purpose of health and safety in incantation,the way of praying and incantation itself also have a strong implication of longevity preservation.Incantation as the signal of gods,implies that Taoism is not only a way of longevity preservation,but also a way of medical treatment,for it can be used to invite the gods,impeach the ghosts,subdue the demons,cure the diseases and eliminate the hazards.



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