首页> 外文会议>WSEAS International Conference on Acoustics Music: Theory Applications >The creative adaptation of the psaltic monody in the present day choir creation for the liturgy in the Republic of Moldova - Teodor Zgureanu - The Hymns of the Holy Liturgy by Saint John the Chrysostomos

The creative adaptation of the psaltic monody in the present day choir creation for the liturgy in the Republic of Moldova - Teodor Zgureanu - The Hymns of the Holy Liturgy by Saint John the Chrysostomos

机译:在摩尔多瓦共和国 - Teodor Zgureanu中的礼仪创作时诗篇模特的创造性适应 - 圣约翰圣洁大礼仪的赞美诗



The present study focuses on the Hymns of the Holy Liturgy by Saint John the Chrysostomos for a men's choir, soprano and children's choir by the composer Teodor Zgureanu; he draws his inspiration from the monody of Byzantine origin. The melodies he creates are original; in some of the parts/sections of his Liturgy he only suggests oriental themes, while in others he faithfully reproduces the features of the psaltic monody (a modal sound structure, characteristic of psalm echoi, gradual and undulating scalar profile, specific formulas and cadences). The musical devices he uses are reminiscent of practices in the church choir singing (the ison, the dialogue between the soloist and the choir in the antiphonal manner); the harmonic devices consist of free harmonic non-functional relations, simple and double ison, motif sequencing a.s.o.
机译:本研究侧重于圣约翰圣洁礼仪的赞美诗,由Composer Teodor ZgureAnu的男士合唱团,女高音和儿童合唱团的圣约翰他从拜占庭突然造成了他的灵感。他创造的旋律是原创的;在他歌曲的一些部分/部分,他只表明了东方主题,而在其他人中,他忠实地再现了诗篇模仿的特征(模态声音结构,诗篇echoi的特征,逐渐和起伏的标量概况,特定公式和节奏) 。他使用的音乐设备让人想起教会合唱团唱歌(ISON,独奏者和禁止的合唱团之间的对话);谐波装置由自由谐波非功能关系组成,简单,双人,图案测序A.O.O.




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