首页> 中文期刊> 《湖南中医药大学学报》 >基于数据挖掘分析何泽云教授治疗CKD的用药规律




目的 基于数据挖掘方法分析何泽云教授治疗慢性肾脏疾病(chronic kidney disease,CKD)的用药规律.方法收集何泽云教授治疗CKD病例336份,处方1110张,采用SPSS 17.0及数据挖掘软件clementine 12.0分别对处方进行频次分析和关联规则分析.结果单味药使用频次由高到低依次是白茅根、山药、黄精、熟地黄、黄芪,使用频率最高的类别是补益类药物(总频率达49.6%);关联规则分析结果显示,支持度较高的药对依次白茅根-山药、白茅根-麦冬、白茅根-黄精、白茅根-熟地黄、白茅根-黄芪、山药-黄精、山药-熟地.结论何泽云教授以培元固本,健脾补肾为基本治疗大法,辅以固精、滋阴、泄浊之法论治CKD,数据挖掘方法对于中医临床经验总结具有重要实用价值,为中医治疗CKD用药筛选及中药研发提供思路.%Objective To study medication rule of professor HE Zeyun in treating chronic kidney disease (CKD) by data mining. Methods We collected 1110 clinical prescriptions from 336 cases of patients with CKD. The frequency and association rules of the rescriptions were analyzed by SPSS 17.0 and Clemetine 12.0, respectively. Results The frequency us-age of the single herbs from high to low was Baimaogen, Shanyao, Huangjing, Shudihuang, Huangqi. The highest frequency usage is the type of tonic herbs (total frequency 49.6%). Association rules of herbs show that the best matches herb pairs were Baimaogen-Shanyao, Baimaogen-Maidong, Baimaogen-Huangjing, Baimaogen-Shudihuang, Baimaogen-Huangqi, Shanyao-Huangjing, Shanyao-Shudi. Conclusion reinforcing the vital essence and strengthening the primordial Qi, and invigorating the spleen and kidney are the basic treatment methods in treating CKD, which is supplemented by controlling nocturnal emis-sion, norishing Yin and purging turbidity methods. Data mining method has practical value on summary TCM clinical experi-ence, and could offer a new idea for research and selection of herbs in treating CKD.



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