首页> 中文期刊>湖南广播电视大学学报 >“80后”青年亚文化风格研究——以“李雷和韩梅梅”现象为个案




本文通过“李雷和韩梅梅”这一典型个案来解读“80后”青年亚文化风格。通过对此现象的文本分析发现,“80后”通过拼贴、颠覆和重建等风格来颠覆父辈的意识形态,生产出属于自己的文化,进行自我表达,获得群体认同感。“80后”进行自我文化创造的本意虽然值得理解,但娱乐至死的浪潮终将会淹没这种亚文化,这种文化创造并没有带来更多的价值。%This article holds the opinion that the phenomenon of "Li Lei and Han Meimei" is a kind of typical Post- 80s subcul- ture phenomenon. Many Post -80s recall the English textbooks by the internet, followed by bricolaging, subverting and rebuilding. The reason for recreating the "Li Lei and Han Meimei" is that Post -80s want to subvert the ideology of elder generation, to generate their own culture, to express themselves and to get the group identity. The purpose of the Post -80s to create their own culture is understandable, but it is more like entertainments instead of a serious culture at the circumstances of entertainments.



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