首页> 中文期刊> 《湖南第一师范学院学报》 >晚清湖湘词人群性质考论——兼与朱德慈教授商榷




Regional Chinese Ci greatly developed in the late Qing Dynasty. There appeared different groups hosting a hundred of people in Hunan. They learned from different genres either in Northern Song Dynasty or in Southern Song Dynasty, but they didn' t have a real leader in writing Chinese Ci during several decades. Their writing style was similar to Huajian, but not formed an influential group. Although they formed a group containing more than ten people and founded a publication "A Collection of Hunanese" in the late time, it was only a temporary organization. Therefore, the group of Hunanese in Chinese Ci writing is a loose organization, not a genre.%晚清地域词学发展壮大,群雄并起。晚清湖湘词坛亦涌现出百余人的词人群体,他们宗法取向较宽,或宗北宋,或尚南宋;晚清湖湘数十年未能有真正意义上的词坛盟主;在创作风格上虽有回归花间词风的趋势,但并未形成有影响的群体性的相似词风;后期虽有十余人的湘社以及外围唱和文人数人,且有社刊《湘社集》,但它仅仅是一个偶然产生的暂时性的文人社集。因此,晚清湖湘词坛的表现形式是历时性的较松散的词人群体,远未及词学流派之高度。



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