


在对中国古典美学重要理论和方法进行梳理的基础上,结合历代茶人在茶审美中的经典茶诗词,归纳提炼出“物我观照”、“净静虚明”、“妙悟自然”三种茶审美方法。“物我观照”源于自然的某些物征可以象征人高尚的道德品质,在经常的茶事实践中,茶人从茶的清香和内蕴的品质中观照出“茶佳人”、“茶君子”的形象。“净静虚明”发端于道家老子“涤除玄鉴”及“致虚极,守静笃”的悟道理念,在空灵虚静的心境中,即使是最简单不过的茶事活动仍洋溢着诗性之美。“妙悟自然”取材于禅宗、老庄及后来文艺美学理论,指茶人在品茶过程中通过长期的亲身体验和凝神遐想,终致随心所欲而不逾矩的人生境界。%As a branch of Chinese aesthetics system, tea aesthetics derived and developed from the great and profound classical aesthetic theories, which were mainly fused by three kinds of aesthetic ideology such as Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. In this article, the traditional tea aesthetic methods were discussed and three tea aesthetic methods, "witnessing between the hunaan and natural worlds", "with a kind of pure, void and quiet mentality" and "excellent comprehending the nature" were concluded. The method of "witnessing between the human and natural worlds" derived from the "virtue comparison" that means some moral qualities of human can be reflected from the feature of the tea. The way of "with a kind of pure, void and quiet mentality" developed from the aesthetic theory of Taoism which mainly suggests that there is beauty even in a simplest thing. The method of "excellent comprehending the nature" is said to be derived from the ideology of Buddhism, Taoism and literature aesthetic theory, which means people can follow their inclinations without breaking rules while enjoying a cup of tea.



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