首页> 中文期刊>西部人居环境学刊 >城市历史遗产保护中的景观语言符号探究--以临海古城墙整治为例




历史遗产资源是全人类的财富,需要妥善处理其保护与发展的关系。中国城镇化进程带来的巨大影响深刻改变了城市原有的发展格局,促进了对于城市历史遗产保护理念的全新探索。本文运用景观语言符号学的相关理论,以临海古城墙整治为例,从本体和客体出发,寻找以古城墙为代表的遗产景观的能指与所指的双重属性,识别其作为遗产景观的符号内涵,在此基础上,提出以真实性和系统性为原则的发展路线,完善其景观符号语境,以实现遗产保护的可理解性、可交流性和可持续性。%Historical heritage resources are the wealth of all mankind, and it’s important to properly handle the relationship between protection and development. The urbanization process in China brings huge influence that profoundly changes the urban development pattern promoting a new exploration of the urban historical heritage conservation. Taking the regulation of the Linhai ancient city wall as an example according to the main body and the object of landscape semiotics, it finds out the double attributes of the signifier and the signified to identify its sign's implication as landscape heritage.Then on this base, it puts forward the development route in authenticity and systemic principle and makes the landscape symbols context complete in order to realize the understandability, communication and sustainability of heritage protection.



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