首页> 中文期刊>湖北函授大学学报 >论王维诗歌中的佛性观--以《胡居士卧病遗米因赠》为例




佛教是在两汉之际传入我国,到了南北朝时期得以弘扬,至唐代到达鼎盛时期。这种佛教文化的蓬勃发展,在一定程度上潜移默化地影响了唐代文人的创作。其中,具有典型性的代表文人王维就有“诗佛”之称。《胡居士卧病遗米因赠》这首诗又是王维佛教诗中的一个典型代表。这首诗清楚地阐释了王维思想中的“空无观”和“清净自性”的佛性观。在这种思想的指导下,王维认为万有皆空,人的感受也是虚假的存在,一切实相都没有实体,只有通过清净自性的方法才能克服人生的苦痛烦恼,才能真正地解脱。%"Gulliver's Travels"was published in 1726,it was written by British famous satirical novelist Jonathan Swift.It has achieved higher reputation and conquered the world for its prominence.In the book "Gulliver's Travels",Jonathan swift's writ-ing is with his unique political perspective,rigorous attitude and rich imagination.With his ironical writing style,he satirized the corrupt social reality of the British at that time.In this novel,Jonathan swift uses his humorous language to enrich the moral implications of the story and the absurd plots to satirize the social reality.Jonathan swift's life and personal experience make him know more about that Irish people were exploited and slaved by English government.Based on the reflection of social reality, Jonathan swift's novel "Gulliver's Travels"has become a great irony work in world literary.



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