首页> 中文期刊>湖北函授大学学报 >辽宁省高校贫困生资助工作中育人功能实现路径探索




以主体性教育思想、心理契约、人文关爱理论为切入点,在对辽宁省高校贫困生资助育人工作实证调查的基础上,探索辽宁省高校贫困生资助工作中育人功能的实现路径,通过政策宣传模块建设,展现人文关怀,通过资格认证体系确立,建立心理契约,通过教育辅导网络覆盖,体现主体教育,通过效果反馈机制完善,保障良性发展,以实现贫困大学生成长成才,人格完善。%This thesis explores the implementation paths of educational function from aiding poverty-stricken students in Lia-oning colleges and universities,on the basic of empirical investigation and with the key points of the subjective education theo-ry,psychological contract,humanistic caring theory.Show our humanistic caring through the construction of policy advocacy module;build the psychological contract through the establishment of qualification system;reflect subjective education through the coverage of education network;guarantee benign development through the completion of effect feedback mechanism.In or-der to help students in straitened circumstances with their growth and success and develop a integrated personality,there are fi-nancial aid,academic counseling,ideological education,psychological guidance,specialties cultivation,social practice and occupational guidance should be structured in colleges and universities.



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