首页> 中文期刊>华中科技大学学报(社会科学版) >民法典婚姻家庭编中知识产权条款之重构




我国现行婚姻法在列举法定的夫妻共同财产对象时仅涉及知识产权的收益,并不包括作为收益之"源"的知识产权,这样的制度安排割裂了知识产权的收益与知识产权之间固有的内在联系,造成不必要的实践困惑,理论上的解释也缺乏足够的说服力.将知识产权作为夫妻共有财产在内在的逻辑支撑、财产平等理念的贯彻、现有制度问题的缓解等方面均可找寻到充分的理由.在民法典婚姻家庭编中,应对知识产权条款进行重构,即承认知识产权可成为夫妻共同财产的对象;对作为知识产权创造者的夫妻一方赋予专有的管理共同财产的权利;明确管理权行使的条件约束,包括管理权的行使是基于双方共同利益的考虑,对管理者施加勤勉的义务等.%The subject matter of property which may be co-owned by husband and wife listed in the pres-ent marriage law of China involves only proceeds from intellectual property, but does not include intellectual property as the " source" of proceeds.It damages the intrinsic connection between the proceeds from intellectu-al property and intellectual property, causes undue confusion in practice and lacks sufficient persuasion.Dee-ming intellectual property as property owned by husband and wife may be reasoned in such dimensions as the inner logic support, the carrying out of equal idea between properties, the softening of problems in present in-stitutions.In the marriage and family volume of civil code, we should re-construct the intellectual property clause in the marriage law, namely, recognize the eligibility of " intellectual property" for joint property by husband and wife; entrust the creator-spouse to manage joint property exclusively; make clear provisos of en-joying managing right, including limiting managing right's performance to the mutual benefit situation, impos-ing due diligent duties on the managing party, etc.



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