首页> 中文期刊>黄山学院学报 >许承尧生平与学术概述




Xu Chengyao had a rough yet colorful life.As a member of the last generation of the Imperial Academy,he made earnest efforts to set up schools in his hometown.Although he was determined to serve the country,he experienced ups and downs in his political life.He was also keen on cultural relics collection and never stopped writing.Throughout his life,he paid close attention to the livelihood of the people and made great contributions to the people's commonweal of his native place.His great achievements,in such areas as poetry,literature collection and sorting,painting and calligraphy,appreciation and collection of cultural relics,and education,are of great value and meaning to the inheritance and research of Huizhou culture.%许承尧先生一生坎坷而丰富:末代翰林、故里兴学;立志报国、政坛起落;文物收藏、笔耕不辍;造福桑梓、关注民生。他在诗歌、文献收藏与整理、书画艺术、文物鉴赏与收藏、教育等诸多方面的突出成就,对于徽州文化的传承和研究有着十分重要的价值和意义。



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