首页> 中文期刊> 《淮阴工学院学报》 >地方高校学术团队建设的问题与对策——以苏北某地方高校为例




学术团队建设对于地方高校提高师资队伍整体水平、提升科研水平及加强学校学科建设和领军人物培养有着重要的意义。当前地方高校在团队建设中,普遍存在认识与重视程度不高,团队基础薄弱、考核评价体系单一落后等问题。学校要营造有利于学术团队建设的氛围,大力加强学术带头人建设,鼓励跨学科组建学术团队。同时,还应完善学术团队考评激励机制,加强团队文化建设。%It is of great significance to build academic team in local colleges and universities ( LCU ) in the process of improving the overall level of teachers'team, promoting the scientific research level, strengthening the school discipline construction and training leaders. There are some problems in the team construction of LCU such as insufficient understanding and attention, the weak team foundation, the single evaluation system etc. LCU should create the right ambiance to support the construction of the academic team, strengthen the construc- tion of academic foregoers and encourage building interdisciplinary academic team. At the same time, LCU should improve evaluation and incentive mechanism for academic team and strengthen its cultural construction.



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