首页> 中文期刊>红河学院学报 >越南谅山瑶族开山祭祀及其功能意义




开山祭祀是瑶族感谢祖先和神灵的保佑、祈求农业生产顺利丰收、族人富足安康的一种生产祭祀活动,极具传统农业宗教信仰特点。文章通过描述越南谅山省高禄县公山乡小板瑶组织的开山祭祀,从人类学角度出发,揭示开山祭祀作为民间宗教信仰对瑶族在文化同质大势中保持民族性、维系民族认同感、教育后代和文化传承中的重要意义,以及在瑶人生产生活中起到的心理调适功能。%Ceremony of opening forest, with agricultural civilization and religious feature, is a production sacrifice activity in whic h the Dao people thank their ancestors and gods for their protection and pray for good production, harvest and the richness, safety and he alth of their people. Through description of the ceremony of opening forest held by Dao Tieu Ban people in Cong Son Town Cao Loc Co unty, Lang Son, Vietnam, and from the perspective of anthropology, this thesis discovers the great significance of ceremony of opening f orest as a religious folk belief in Dao people for them to preserve ethnic features and maintain ethnic acceptance in the trend of cultural a ssimilation, teach offspring, pass down culture, and for psychological adjustment in their life and production.



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