首页> 中文期刊>高等财经教育研究 >柏拉图教育理念的归向——灵魂塑造与理想国家的融洽




Plato's educational thought has obvious idealized orientation, that is, to realize the construction of the republic through training philosophy-king. The essence of his education connotation shows the unification of individual ethics and political state. So based on this point, we are clear about the growth process of philosophy-king from the visual angle of education stage, and then to fix the education inclination of the harmony between soul moulding and the ideal nation. However, the re-cogitation for the transition of education attribute, the education differences between Chinese and the West, the thoughts of education composition and the determination of education value, which caused by social changes, are the necessary and sufficient conditions for this paper to reflect the modern significance of Plato's educational thought.%柏拉图教育思想有明显的理想化取向,即以哲学王的培养实现理想国的建构。在其教育内涵实质上,体现为个人伦理与政治国家的统一。以此为切入点,可以从教育阶段的视角明晰哲学王诞生的过程,进而厘定柏拉图的灵魂塑造与理想国家融洽的教育归向。社会变迁导致的对教育属性变换、中西方教育差异、教育观构成和教育价值厘定的重新认知和体会,则构成文章反思柏拉图教育思想现代意义的重要维度。



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