首页> 中文期刊> 《贺州学院学报》 >仡佬语研究概观




仡佬语是在中国西南地区的一种濒危语言,目前作为母语使用的人口很少,但内部方言土语众多。仡佬语研究从上个世纪50年代开始,前期研究集中在系属讨论和方言分区上,20年代90年代以后重在对语言材料的挖掘和对各方言土语的全面描写上,同时国内外学者为仡央语系调查方面进行了很好的合作。通过对仡佬语研究成果进行梳理的同时,还对仡佬语研究中存在的问题提出了一些意见。%In spite of the fact that it has various internal dialects ,Gelao -languague is a highly endangered language used by Gelao Nationality in the southwest of China ,with fewer and fewer native speakers .The study of Gelao -language ,started in 1950s ,can roughly divided into two stages with 1990 as the line of demarcation .The former focused on language system quality and dialect distribution of Gelao - language .The latter concentrates on the language material analysis and descriptive study of dialects of Gelao -languague .Cooperative study of Language investigation about Ge -Yang language family has also developed .Based upon the general survey of study on Gelao -language ,the paper offers some analysis of problems existing in the study of Gelao -language .



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