首页> 中文期刊> 《贺州学院学报》 >超越西方主流言说的东方叙事--重构杰克·伦敦《无可比拟的入侵》




For a long time,Jack London’s the Unparalleled Invasion has been regarded as a typical echo of “Yellow Peril”popular in the western mainstream. It is actually Jack London’s distinctive writing about the east,transcending the common tone of his time. It is an ironical narration exposing the inhumane germ warfare and the imperialism invasion by the west against China. His warning against“White Peril”,his prediction of the rising of the east and the losing of the central position of the west is dramatically proved later,which indicates London’s unparalleled farsighted view on Asia and his talent as a keen observer in his time. Affected by cultural self-consciousness and nationalism,Chinese scholars have misreading of London’s works.%一直以来,杰克·伦敦的《无可比拟的入侵》都被中国研究者认为是杰克·伦敦附和西方“黄祸”论的一篇小说,是西方主流社会贬低、丑化中国,鼓吹“黄祸威胁论”的典型代表。实际上这是杰克·伦敦超越其所处时代主流言说的另类的东方叙事,是作者运用反讽的手法对西方殖民列国公然使用细菌战对中国实行种族灭绝和殖民瓜分的辛辣讽刺。其对“白祸”的警示、对亚洲的崛起,西方统治地位丧失的预言都得到了历史的验证,说明杰克·伦敦具有其同时代作家无法比拟的敏锐观察力和超前预见性。中国研究者在文化自觉意识和民族主义批判视角的影响下,对杰克·伦敦涉华作品存在一种惯性思维和“前见”式误读。



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