首页> 中文期刊>衡水学院学报 >西汉宣元时期萧望之、匡衡诗学研究




Qi Poetry got its special status in West Han Poetry for its explanation ofyin andyang. Xiao Wangzhi and kuang Heng discussed the relationship between the monarch and his subjects by reconciling the catastrophe ofyin andyang withThe Book of Songs which catered to the political needs and enclosed the classics means to Kuang’s support to the national policy. The emperor appointed them as important officials for their great intelligence and political talent. To some extent they influenced the knowledge structure and cultural policy in the times of Xuan Emperor and Yuan Emperor which could be seen in the frequent quotation ofPoetry in the imperial edict for the explanation of the relationship between man and nature. On the background of the politics, the study of Xiao Wangzhi and Kuang Heng’s Poetry can help us understand the value ofThe Book of Songsin the middle and later periods of the West Han dynasty which can reveal the destiny of the Confucian intellectuals in political vicissitude.%《齐诗》以解说阴阳在西汉《诗》学传统中独树一帜,萧望之和匡衡两位解诗学者将阴阳灾异说配合《诗经》探论君臣之道,迎合政治需要,将《诗经》解说附予匡扶国政的经学意味。二人因才华、政见得到皇帝赏识而官居重位,从侧面对宣帝和元帝知识结构和文化政策有一定影响,从疏奏、诏书中频引《诗》表述天人关系中可见。以时代政治为背景考察萧望之、匡衡诗学,能够深层了解《诗经》在西汉中后期的实用价值,展现儒士在政治变迁中被利用、牺牲的命运。



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