首页> 中文期刊>衡水学院学报 >传递中国声音正能量--谈《中国好声音》成功策略及其启示




从栏目的制作创新、节目受众心理的把握、栏目内容正能量的凸显、制播分离的历史性运作模式、立体化的营销模式5个方面对《中国好声音》栏目成功策略进行剖析,在此基础上,总结指出《中国好声音》给同类栏目带来的启示:完善节目产业链,改良节目运营方式;创新节目形式,打造精品节目;全方位宣传营销;关注受众需求,找准节目定位;传递正能量,展现真性情。%This paper analyzes the successful strategy of the TV program The Voice of China from five aspects. They are the innovation of the column, the audience psychology, the highlights of positive energy, the historical operating mode of the separation of producing and broadcasting and the three-dimensional marketing mode. Through the analysis it points out that the successful strategy of the program can bring some enlightenments to the same columns:to improve industry chain to make the program operation mode perfect; to innovate programming forms to create boutique; to promote all-around marketing publicity;to capturing position to meet the audience needs;to show true disposition to deliver positive energy.



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