


Diachronically, the word America has a history of over 500 years since it was first coined in 1507 when a German named the land Columbus had found by using this word, which led to Spanish complaints and resistance. Synchronically, America is characterized by its unique validity with extending meanings, widening usages, growing production and higher frequency of use due to the greater influence of the United States of A- merica. From the perspective of culture, America becomes a keyword and cultural symbol with rich political colors and cultural implications in the narrative of the discovery of the New World and the naming of America and "Columbus exchange".%从历时角度看,America这个词自1507年面世至今,已有500多年的历史,当时德国人用它命名哥伦布发现的新大陆,西班牙人为此愤愤不平并竭力抵制。从共时角度看,America一词仰仗“美国”的影响力,显示出特有的活力,其词义不断延伸,用法日趋扩大,能产性逐渐增强。使用频率持续攀升。从文化角度看,在发现新大陆、美洲命名和“哥伦布交流”的叙事中,America是一个关键词和文化象征符号,具有丰富的政治色彩和文化意蕴。



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