


Learning refers to a process in which an individual adapts his or her psychological change to envi- ronmental change. The learning environment, to a certain extent, determines the results of learning. Learning environment is the basis for the development of learners' body and mind, it interferes with the learner' s be- havior activity process with the unique potential influence of the environment itself, therefore systematically af- fects the effect of learning behavior. The existence and development of learning activities is inseparable from the learning environment and an analysis of the learning environment is a premise condition for teachers' de- signing of teaching behavior. The concept analysis and the characteristics analysis as well as the type analysis of the learning environment are the main contents of the learning environment analysis.%学习是个体以心理变化适应环境变化的过程。人在什么样的环境中学习,在一定程度上决定着他将获得什么样的学习结果。学习环境是学习者身心赖以发展的基础,它以自身特有的影响力潜在地干预着学习者学习活动的过程,系统地影响着学习活动的效果。通过分析学习环境的概念特点及类型,来说明学习环境分析在教师教学行为设计研究中的重要作用。



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