首页> 中文期刊>河南工业大学学报(社会科学版) >一种正义熔铸下的“理想生活”--柏拉图公私利益关系思想的政治哲学探究




置身于城邦正义之下的柏拉图,以其理想化的理论智慧诠释了困扰人类政治生活的一个重大理论难题,那就是如何调处公私之间利益矛盾,从而为后世政治哲学对该问题的探讨开启了一种典型的理论范式。认为柏拉图公私利益关系理论的主要内容是:公私理论的形而上学基础;个人与城邦。公私理论的价值指向:一种作为制度设计的正义;公私同一的政治哲学理念;事实性与价值性统一的“理想生活”。%Being exposed to a city-state of justice,Plato tried to interpret a major theoretical issue that plagued human political life with his idealized theoretical wisdom,i. e. how to eliminate the contradiction between public interests and private interests in the political life of mankind,which opened up a typical theoretical par-adigm for later generations to do research into the issue in the view of political philosophy. The article sums up the major content of Plato’s theory of the relation of public and private interests as follows:metaphysical basis of the theory of public and private interests;individual and city-state. The orientation of public-private theory is a kind of justice as a system design,a political philosophy of unified public and private interests,"an ideal life" of facts and values.



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