


《百大家评注史记》是一部关于《史记》的多家汇评本著作.是书开篇便标明:"状元兰嵎朱之蕃汇辑."但此书是确由朱之蕃汇辑而流传至今,还是明末书商假借状元名号伪托而成,未有定论.于此,进行一番考证,对确定此书的作者,判断此书的真伪和价值,意义重大.笔者在整理是书过程中,通过查阅文献,收集相关资料,对是书的作者进行了考证.同时,对朱之蕃作相关介绍,阐明其文学成就,并进一步考证《百大家评注史记》是否出自他手.%Baidajia Pingzhu Shih Chi is a book of comment from many learned men.It was said in the book''s start that the book was collected by Zhu Zhifan, who was the Number One Scholar, But whether the book indeed collected by the Zhu Zhifan, or pretended by booksellers is also uncertainty now.So, to figure out and make sure identity of the writer makes big differences to estimate the book''s authenticity and value.In the process of the organization, the author read the related books, and collected data, and has researched the writer.Therefore, the author makes an introduction of Zhu Zhifan, shows his literary achievement, and proves if he is the real writer.



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