


Competition brings efficiency,and fair competition makes everyone have the greatest efficiency. Since democracy promotes fair competition,it is the root of economic growth in modern society. In the economical society,with different brainpower, physical strength, property, etc. , people have different efficiency of production,hence having the different income. The cumulative effect of wealth leads to the polarization between the rich and the poor(namely,2 / 8 phenomenon)and social instability. In contrast with the economic competition, the rules of democracy are majority rule. The development of modern democracy makes majority decide the government,that is,the larger part of population with less efficiency or less wealth determine policy,thus affecting the redistribution of wealth,slowing down polarization and bringing about social stability,and reducing the degree and efficiency of competition as well.%竞争带来效率,公平竞争使每个人产生最大效率,民主促进公平竞争,民主是现代社会经济增长的根源。在经济社会中,每个人的智力、体力、财产等是不同的,其产生的效率也不同。效率不同,收入也不同。财富的累积作用使贫富两极分化,产生2/8现象,带来社会的不稳定。与经济竞争相反,民主的规则是少数服从多数原则,现代民主的发展也使多数人决定政府,使多数效率较低或财富较少的人决定政策,影响财富的再分配,减缓两极过渡分化,带来社会稳定,同时也降低竞争程度和效率。



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