首页> 中文期刊>河南广播电视大学学报 >穿越千年的追寻——解读李清照的理想追求和现实陷落




李清照在中国文学史上有着举足轻重的地位,这不仅源于她出众的才华和良好的文学修养,更在于她内心有着超越时代的人生追求和难以圆梦的现实陷落。通过对李清照诗词作品的解读以及对她人生轨迹的探寻,我们可以发现在其跌宕起伏的一生中,她一直在追求着爱情的纯真美好、人格的高洁独立以及人生的意义和价值。她的这种追求不仅超越了那个时代的寻常女子,而且在一定程度上也超越了她同时代的男性。李清照的人生追求却又不可避免地充满了曲折和坎坷。她的现实遭遇,虽然是那个时代的必然,但她的理想追求则成为了人们生命追求的永恒。正因为如此,李清照的诗词才能够穿越千年时空,不断叩击着后人那因现实遭遇而落寞和困顿的心灵。%Li Qingzhao was famous in chinese literature and this is not only for her excellent talent and literature quality, but more ideal and real fall in her heart. Analysing Li Qingzhao's poems and tracking her life,we can find she always looked for pure love, independ character and the value of life. Her sought was beyond the time of extraordinary woman and men. However, her life was full of twists and frustrations though it was the inevitable.But her ideal was forever for pursuit of life. Because of this, Li Qingzhao ' s poems was able to cross thousands of years and rap on the heart.



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